4. Maternity Services

Pregnant person resting a hand across their stomach, while looking at a computer screen

Research Summary

The maternity theme of ARC WM builds on strong research from our previous centre, NIHR CLAHRC West Midlands, and has developed strong collaborations with the local maternity Trusts across the West Midlands. We are involved in service change at every level, from evaluating services in existence to developing and evaluating new services and translating evidence into practice.

Methodologies employed ensure the most robust possible design and are tailored to the topic concerned and the timelines required. We are all passionate about improving care for mothers and babies and the work we have undertaken in collaboration with local stake holders is detailed in the publications section.

This theme is closely aligned with the Maternal Health theme of the NIHR Midlands Patient Safety Research Collaboration (PSRC).


We have a number of studies currently underway that seek to:

  • Evaluate the implementation of the Birmingham Symptom specific Obstetric Triage System (BSOTS) nationally
  • Explore postnatal care during the Covid-19 period.
  • Understand the barriers and facilitators of implementing maternity trial evidence in practice.
  • We are facilitating a national group to bring together existing quality improvement work around induction of labour, supported by BICS, RCM and RCOG.
  • Improve clinical escalation in the Midlands through a mixed methods implementation evaluation.

Theme Lead

Professor Sara Kenyon


University of Birmingham


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